Marsha “Pay it no mind” Johnson existed and expressed boldly as a living art form. From being a model for an Andy Warhol campaign to being a part of the “Hot Peaches” performance troupe, Marsha is indeed a conduit for creativity. The purpose of MPJI’s artist fellowships is to empower BLACK, trans creatives and provide resources that will ease the burden of transphobia experienced in artistic spaces.


Over the course of this six-month fellowship, five emerging artists will receive a monthly stipend (total $8000 and $2000 for materials and/or space rental), tools, and resources necessary to further their craft as well as be paired with a mentor to learn both technical and developing skills that support one’s medium of choice. With the support of their mentor, artists will work to create pieces that reflect their vision for a BLACK Trans Renaissance to be shared at a final showcase event in NYC! All artists will also participate in a spring kickoff event in LA.


***Not currently accepting applications.***

The MPJI Organizing Fellowship was created to further build the capacity of organizers in the Midwest and in the South fighting back against the murders of trans women, unjust local and national laws that strip trans people of humanity, homelessness, joblessness, and high rates of suicide.


We want MPJI Organizing Fellows to have the skills to combat, soothe, and mobilize members of communities that are never considered. We view organizing as a part of our collective care, while also understanding that organizers have a great responsibility to the self and to implement strategies that sustain us all. From holistic care to leadership development, this fellowship addresses our need to strengthen and encourage new leaders and thoughts.  We want to create a world in which BLACK trans people will not have to fight to exist.

The Coalition to End Violence Against BLACK Transgender Women.

***Not currently accepting applications.***

MPJI was initially founded as a response to the murders of BLACK trans women and women of color and remains deeply committed to working to stop the epidemic of violence. From unjust local and national laws that strip trans people of humanity to the growing number of BLACK trans women and femmes whose lives are lost to structural, institutional, and interpersonal violence; we seek to end all systems of violence against Black trans women and trans femmes by abolishing the circumstances that invoke these tragedies.


This coalition works collectively to analyze the problem, create advocacy tools, and resources, and creative solutions to increase the safety of BLACK trans women & trans femmes. As with all the work MPJI embarks in, this project is rooted in abolitionist values with a firm rejection of any solutions that increase policing, surveillance, or incarceration.

© Copyright 2023 Marsha P. Johnson Institute. All rights reserved. The Marsha P. Johnson Institute is a fiscally sponsored project of Social Good Fund, a California nonprofit corporation and registered 501(c)(3) organization, Tax ID (EIN) 46-1323531


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